Episode 1: iGetResuscitated
Jerome wakes up in the hospital to a woman in a wedding dress covered in shart, he quickly remembers what happened before he died. The doctors tell him that they brought him back to life after the incident.
Episode 2: iAmInTheHospital
The doctors do more tests on Jerome to see what happened to Jerome and they find out that Jerome suffers from Defecation-Induced Heart Attacks.
Episode 3: iAmInVegas
Jerome gets released from the hospital and returns to the hotel room just to see Harper, Millicent, Freddy and Spencer partying because they thought he died. Jerome runs out crying and abandons them. Jerome robs a homeless guy for a scratcher ticket and wins $3,000 which he uses on an apartment.
Episode 4: iGetTikTok
Jerome meets a very insightful rabbi on the street and the rabbi says that Jerome should get a tiktok and share his story. Jerome tells the rabbi that he will think about it. Jerome goes to his Court-Ordered therapist and talks about getting a tiktok. The therapist says that sharing your story can be a great coping mechanism. So Jerome decides to download tiktok.
Episode 5: iShareMyStory
Jerome makes a tiktok telling his story of his life over the past year, the video blows up and gets 300 Million views. Jerome gets $9,000 off his video from the creator fund. Jerome decides he wants to become a tiktoker.
Episode 6: iGetMadeFunOf
Not everyone on social media is nice, and Jerome knows that all too well because of his old makeup channel. But this time was different, people were really hitting Jerome where it hurts.
Episode 7: iAmVerified
Jerome wakes up and checks his tiktok account to see that he is verified. To thank his followers he posts a video of him farting into a microphone, but people don’t like it and he ends up losing 100,000 followers.
Episode 8: iGoOnTheDarkWeb
Jerome wakes up and decided he wants to go on the dark web because he is bored, so he installs tor and starts surfing the dark web. Jerome finds a drug dealing site and he decides he wants to buy some drugs. Jerome buys a bunch of LSD.
Episode 9: iTakeLSD
Jerome wakes up to find a package at his door, he opens it and finds the drugs he ordered. Jerome takes all of the LSD he ordered (20,000 micrograms.) Jerome passes out on his couch.
Episode 10: iOverdosed
The rabbi Jerome met on the street comes over to Jerome’s apartment, but finds him passed out with foam in his mouth. The rabbi calls the police and Jerome gets abulanced to the hospital.
Episode 11: iCantCatchABreak
Jerome has to get his stomach pumped at the hospital. Luckily for Jerome the overdose didn't cause Jerome to get any Brain Damage (at least not any more than he already had.) Jerome can’t believe that he had to get hospitalized again and falls into a deeper depression.
Episode 12: iCausedACatastrophe
Jerome gets another paycheck from tiktok, and like the responsible man he is he decides to spend it all in one day. Jerome buys the presidential suite at the Paris hotel. Jerome sees this giant replica of the eiffel tower and decides that it would be a great idea to climb it. Jerome accidentally falls onto a cable causing the tower to collapse onto the Las Vegas strip and fountains of bellagio.
Episode 13: iCantStopSharting
Jerome wakes up in the hospital again, Jerome got a plethora of injuries for the eiffel tower incident and is being hospitalized for them. Jerome sharts when he is stressed, and being Injured so badly has Jerome really stressed. Jerome can’t stop sharting everwhere and so he has to stay in the hospital in case he gets a heart attack from one of his sharts again.
Episode 14: iScreamOnHalloween
Jerome is in his hospital bed when he sees a bunch of masked humanoids walking towards him. Jerome lets out a girly scream, then the masked figures take their masks off and his friends are under the masks. Jerome says that he has nothing to say to them, but they give a half assed apology to Jerome and everyone makes up.
Episode 15: iAmRich
A depressed and down on his luck Jerome decided to go test his luck despite being unlucky. Jerome goes to one of the famous casinos in Las Vegas and gambles away his life savings. Surprisingly, Jerome wins and becomes rich.